despite our stupid and funny behaviour, we are not that childish after all.
do not be surprise if you see us talking and laughing together like nothing happened.
because indeed, nothing happened.
our maturity level killed the silent war.
you may think 'wow, how did they get that close so fast?'
it's natural. it's spontaneous. it's what we call the beauty in friendship.
the secret is: don't apologise, go with the flow.
luck wasn't in our hands.
we managed to get close for only a day.
unwanted expectations occur.
our dearest friend is infected.
she shared most of the food with the dearest friend.
which means, she has to stay away for some time.
though we communicate a lot.
keeping ourselves updated about each other.
she might be infected too, let's hope not.
through this experience, i've learnt.
not too serious, not too mature, not too childish.
live the fun life, live the best life.