Do I have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?

23 July, 2009

Apathetic, Flashbacks, and Brummagem Poser

days pass by really quickly.
but my brain works slower each day.
i cannot get over the past, how pathetic.
i'm desperate to meet my old friends.
i kind of need to see them.
it is one of my necessity, one of my goal, one of my mission.

what is the matter with me these days?
i can't stop flashing back.
the past.
the memories.
the unforgettable.
2007. 2008.
please come back.

2 Cemerlang, Green, Humanitarian.
happiest moments.


special message:
it is very childish of someone to delete a no-longer-friend from myspace or whatsoever.
first of all, this is not about her anymore.
she should mind her own fucking business.
it's between me and someone else.
but at least we're both still on each others' top friends.
anyway, the only reason that 'someone' deleted us is because she's a big fat pussy.
scared that we were going to stalk her eyy?
listen, you're a fucking fake freak, nobody would want to stalk you.
i didn't even notice that you've deleted me until a friend told me.
you see, you're unnecessary in my life.
no. scratch that. you're unnecessary in ANYONE's life.
i feel sorry for you, your friends don't like you.
they're faking you too, just the way you fake them. ;)