i died over there. :D
well, suddenly i came back to live today.
as usual, 'brunch' at bangsar.
then, followed rye and hanan to the saloon.
came back home, ikhwan left for his hair make-over.
so all we did was playing guitar hero.
and then, the make up artistes came.
of course, rye looked dazzling and much older (compliment).
when she put on the dress, she looked gorgeous + sexy.
ikhwan was back.
and they got ready for prom.
i took a few of their photos.
and JW Marriot, here they come.
hanan did not sleepover.
because she has her own reason.
stonking annoying reason.
example: 'tkde baju.'
well, i'm currently waiting up for rye. ;)
well, she's wearing heels. :D