Do I have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?

17 November, 2008

ayam ayam ( i am i am)

i know u must be wondering wht's tht title all about.
it's nacho libre's theme song.
and i'm addicted to tht song.
i have no idea why, but jyeaahh.
*i ate some bugs, i ate some grass*

guess what, i woke up at 1 pm today.
and i havent took my bath yet.
i went to ampang point.
and i met hana.
and that explains why i didnt hug her.
because i stink. NOT.

i wont be free this week.
because practically, i have family plans.
so sorry, friends.
i cant hang this week.
next week will do.
thursday is so on, hana!
*feeling quite excited*
